When Miss Jenny told us about our final assignment I was excited because I love to blog. Blogging is like a disease to me because I will be thinking of interesting topic to blog 24/7. The process of creating this new blog is trouble-free for me as I have all the experience from my pervious blog. I used to spend a lot of time editing my blog because I was so bad with HTML but with the new BETA version I find it so easy to edit I can change my layout in just a few clicks.
From time to time, I have learned certain skills like designing for webpage, writing for web, editing the blog, adding hyperlinks and photos and also adding a perfect banner that is suitable with my theme.
Throughout this process, i have realized that we have to apply certain theories from our readers as a guideline to create a good blog. For example:
Writing and designing from Jacob NeilsonBe Succinct! (Writing for the Web)Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design MistakesPrint design Vs web design
Composition from Kress, G. & Leeuwen1)
Information valueThe placement of each element (Syntagms that relate elements to readers) provides them with the precise informational values attached to the various zones of image.
SalienceElements that made obvious to attract readers attention. For example, contrasts in colors, different type of font style and size, pictures, background and etc.
FramingCreates dividing lines that connects or disconnects elements from an image that signify that they belong to a same topic or not.
My standpoint as a blogger is we should have a purpose before stating a blog be it personal, politics, fashion or etc. Bloggers should be more sensitive on their content and make sure its ethical to avoid defamation. Every article that we post should have evidence and support so that it is credible. Blogs design should be as simple and possible as people might get annoyed if the layout is too complicated.
Reference:Nielson, J. 1997, 'Be Succinct! (Writing for the Web)'[Online, accessed 3 June.2007]URL:
http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9703b.htmlNielson, J. 2005, 'Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes'[Online, accessed 3 June.2007]URL:
http://www.useit.com/alertbox/weblogs.htmlNielsen, J. 1999, Print design Vs web design [Online, accessed 3 June.2007]
Walsh, M. 2006, 'The 'textual shift': examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts', The Australian journal of language and literacy, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 24- 37.